Thursday, 27 November 2014

Production Log #12 - Music Magazine

During my lesson in Media, I started to design my magazine contents page using a software called 'Adobe InDesign'.

Firstly, I began using three colours to give a rough idea on how the magazine will look like with the layout but I knew that the colours will be there temporarily because at the end of the lesson, I did not like the colour combination between, Red, Black, Yellow and Turquoise. The reason I chose those three colours are because the boxes in red represents the headings, the black boxes represents the images which I have taken over the half term, the boxes in yellow are the page numbers to make it esier for the audience to know where the image and the bright description of the artists will be and the boxes in turquoise represents the band index which means the headings of the pages along with the page numbers next to it to help the audience to go to the page they are interested in.

I made the font for the title (contents page) in bold and in white to make it look plain and simple so it can be understandable to the audience on what the page is about. The whole process will be designed on Adobe InDesign because it is a software which has all the features to create a music magazine and it is easy to use as I have used it previously to design other magazines.

Next time, I am going to change the colours of the boxes, change the page numbers, improve the title and label all the boxes with what I'm going to put in there as this will help me in advance on what to do to complete my contents page.

The starter of the music magazine

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